The unique extra – the calibration service from SPS electronic

Because a calibration is not just a calibration, customers worldwide rely on our expertise.

When a "simple" calibration is not sufficient:

DAkkS calibration according to DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025

We are very pleased to have recently received the official accreditation certificate and the certificate for our calibration laboratory in Twist from the DAkkS (German Accreditation Body). This means that we are retroactively authorized to offer accredited calibrations according to DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025 since November 2019 (a competence that only very few laboratories can provide). The final accreditation was preceded by about 5 years of preparation and a lengthy accreditation process - a period of time which, last but not least, makes clear the great importance of this success.

What are the special features of a DAkkS calibration?

DAkkS calibration certificates are valid at any time, internationally and without further valid proof of traceable measurement results. They are issued with standards whose traceability is guaranteed by DAkkS certificates or calibration certificates issued by PTB laboratories. DAkkS calibration certificates can only be issued by the accredited calibration laboratories within the scope of the accredited measured quantities. This ensures that high quality calibration is guaranteed by regular external assessment and re-accreditation, traceable standards, precisely defined environmental conditions and specially trained personnel.

What is the difference between a DAkkS and a traceable factory calibration?

The main difference lies in the evaluation of the measurement results: A factory calibration includes the evaluation of the results without consideration of the measurement uncertainty on the basis of the specifications published in standards, guidelines or by the manufacturer. The DAkkS, on the other hand, provides for an evaluation of results exclusively on the basis of the actual values determined and the associated measurement uncertainties, i.e. all influencing variables occurring during calibration, such as the accuracy of measuring equipment, temperature, type of connection, device-specific parameters, resolution, tolerance limits, etc., are taken into account. The results are evaluated by the customer and the usability for the required measuring process is determined.

Which is the right calibration for me?

The DAkkS calibration according to DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025 becomes necessary if special requirements demand it. This procedure has no influence on the traceability of the measured variables. Both the measured variables of the factory calibration and those of the DAkkS calibration can be represented equally.

Factory calibration certificates are issued with standards that are subject to regular test equipment monitoring; the traceability of the standards used is ensured by regular test equipment monitoring. When recalibrating test equipment, which in turn serve as standards for monitoring other measuring and test equipment, a DAkkS calibration should always be used because of the assured traceability to national standards.

You are not sure which calibration you need?

Contact us - our experts will be happy to provide you with detailed and competent advice: +49 791 20 212 327

Calibratura: in conformità alle norme nazionali ed internazionali

Sottoponiamo a test e calibratura i vostri tester di sicurezza, indipendentemente dal fatto che siano prodotti da SPS electronic o da altri fornitori. Rivolgetevi al nostro centro di assistenza più vicino a voi!

La calibratura annuale dei tester è un prerequisito essenziale per la garanzia di qualità ed è un obbligo che le società devono rispettare nell’ambito del monitoraggio dei dispositivi di test e misurazione. Noi ci occupiamo di calibrare i vostri tester di sicurezza: che sia direttamente presso di voi o nella nostra sede. Grazie alla nostra vasta rete di servizi, alle nostre numerose filiali e ai nostri partner, siamo presenti a livello globale e quindi sempre vicini a voi. Siamo sempre felici di fornire un dispositivo a noleggio durante la calibratura, così da evitare interruzioni.

Tutti i tester di sicurezza forniti da SPS electronic sono calibrati in conformità alle normative applicabili. La calibratura si attiene ovviamente alle norme nazionali ed internazionali e soddisfa anche i requisiti delle vostre revisioni interne ed esterne. I nostri dispositivi sono forniti ai clienti con il certificato di calibratura corrispondente: per essere sempre al sicuro! L’accreditamento come laboratorio di calibratura secondo la norma EN 17025, per il quale abbiamo già presentato domanda, potrà presto confermarlo.

Nota: oltre alla calibratura regolare, consigliamo vivamente il controllo quotidiano delle apparecchiature mediante l’uso di dispositivi per test fittizi. Questo è l’unico modo per essere certi che i vostri prodotti funzionano bene dal punto di vista della sicurezza ed evitare così, nel peggiore dei casi, costose azioni di richiamo.

> Ai dispositivi per test fittizi

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