Whistleblower protection law

General information

At SPS electronic GmbH, we take responsibility for our actions and comply with applicable laws.

To help us continuously improve, we have established a form that allows the reporting of actual and potential concerns.

The form is an alternative to the normal reporting channels and can be used to report actual, potential or suspected illegal or unethical incidents, such as bribery, fraud, serious misconduct, harassment, discrimination, violence, criminal behaviour or other violations of applicable laws.

No employee will be penalised for raising a concern or reporting misconduct in good faith.

You may choose to remain anonymous, but we encourage you to include your name in the report so that details can be clarified afterwards if necessary. All reports will be treated in strict confidence.

  • As part of the whistleblower system, you can report serious concerns, violations of our Code of Conduct or breaches of the law, including in relation to:


    > Manipulation of accounting and auditing

    > Bribery and corruption

    > Violation of competition law (antitrust law)

    > Violation of the regulations on insider trading and market manipulation

    > Violation of tax regulations

    > Serious harassment in the workplace, including sexual harassment and discrimination

    > Violations of environmental regulations

    > Financial fraud, including falsification of contracts, reports or documents

    > Misuse of company assets, theft or embezzlement

    > Money laundering and financing of terrorist activities

    > Violation of the protection of personal data

    > Violation of product safety and conformity

    > Violation of occupational safety regulations

    > Violation of human rights and labour rights

    > Violation of the SPS electronic GmbH Code of Conduct

    > Serious violations of other internal guidelines

    > Other serious violations of other applicable laws and regulations

    > Violation of confidentiality obligations

    > Hacking, recording or interception of conversations

    > Extortion

    > Breaches of EU public procurement rules


    Matters such as workplace bullying, dissatisfaction with pay, breaches of the alcohol policy, etc. should not be reported here. Instead, they should be reported through the usual channels, e.g. to your line manager or the HR department.

  • The whistleblower system may not be used to make false accusations against others or to report untrue information.